4 Week Wellness Reset
This is an all-virtual, 4-week program that guides you through my simple but effective plan to find your way back to wellness.
Together we will use food as medicine to lower inflammation, balance blood sugar, and support the adrenals and GI tract.
Now with new bonus material including a guided meditation and workbook on behavioral change called Cultivate Lasting Healthy Behaviors with Kali Bragant, licensed psychotherapist of Renegade Wellness Collective.
Folks wanting more support can also schedule 1:1 coaching sessions with Kali throughout their time in the program.
This program is for you if..
You suspect inflammation may be contributing to your symptoms and you want some guidance on lowering inflammation.
You’ve been wondering if your diet may be contributing to unwanted symptoms (like headache, fatigue, rashes, digestive issues, hormonal concerns etc)
You've heard that blood sugar, inflammation, gut health, and adrenal health may be contributing to your symptoms but you want to learn more about what this means and how to take action!
You want to get jazzed about filling your plate with healthy food rather than doing ANOTHER super restrictive cleanse
What you get..
Education in the form of weekly videos and materials. We will discuss topics like how food causes inflammation, how to support healthy digestion and detox pathways, how to eat more mindfully, perform an elimination diet and identify food sensitivities and so much more!
Tools in the form of sample meal plans and recipes
Health hacks you can incorporate into your day to day life. ​​

Introducing new collaboration with Kali Brgant, licensed psychotherapist!
I am so excited to announce new bonus material from my dear colleague, Kali Brgant of Renegade Wellness Collective.
The program now includes a guided meditation led by Kali and Cultivate Lasting Healthy Behaviors- a workbook on behavioral change to support you on your journey.
Participants have the opportunity to add on 1:1 sessions with Kali for additional support as they follow the program.
To schedule your 1:1 coaching sessions, contact Kali by following the link below:​